Friday, January 17, 2014

Reason i hide

Reason i hide
to shame the pride
to rid the constant feeling that i'm gona die
the mask on my face
my heart still race's
to think someone will see all my disgraces
the reason i hide
i dont know why
the fear of one reply that might hurt me deep down inside
the reason i hide...

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Civil Wars

The Civil Wars
The civil wars old country folk
song due. They write there own songs
and our known the very artistic deep south country twang. The reason
i love them so much is because i like the way they sing i never heard before.
One of my favorite songs by them is '' The one that got away''
Dust to Dust and Tell Mama''
Those are just some of my favorite song by them.
To me there just real

Thursday, January 9, 2014

the girl in the mirror, the one i see is ugly not pretty the most repulsive thing i ever seen. People say I'm beautiful but I don't know why they say that. " Sometimes I cut myself to see how much it bleeds it's like adrenaline the pain is such sudden rush for me'' The girl in the mirror is just an image that has sent me into a shelter of loneliness, abandonment, self-pity and hurt. The girl in the mirror is my enemy. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Endless circles

When realize that you been spinning in and out of control you start to think  why am I so dizzy?  Maybe because your cliche, unspecified to human eyes who knows. I guess that's why I'm caught in endless circles.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

trapped up stairs in the...

I woke up cold un-aware of my surroundings the air was icy cold the feel was eerie.
i was having an inside battle on rather to panic or stay, at point i choose to panic at sound of footsteps.
i spent all day trying to find a way out of this eerie place but no such thing came . Then when i finally calm down and try to think where in the hell i could be. Using my hands to crawl forward to hear,feel anything around me but all i felt was hard moist wood and silence. at that i was done i couldn't take it anymore i screamed and screamed but then i realized that i heard singing soft angelic singing i was trying to hear where it was coming from.  '' the winding roads, they led me here
burn like coals and dry like tears'' so here's my hope , tired soul so here's my ticket i want to go home. 
 Home thats where i wanna be . then i realized that was trapped up in the ....